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Break away from the typical structure of teaching English based on genres by trying a thematic unit plan! Students will explore and examine the role that technology plays in their own life and the world around them by examining and studying short stories, poems, non-fiction texts, and videos that all relate in someway to the topic of technology! Also included are creative writing, speaking, listening, figurative language, and grammar activities all with a technology related twist. This unit includes absolutely everything you need to teach the unit; no prep required! Below is a detailed list of all the resources included. Click on the individual titles to get a closer look:


Bring journal writing in your classroom into the 21st Century with these 10 engaging video writing prompts! Each slide has a link to a short video clip (Youtube required) about technology and a related journal prompt. These prompts will allow students to examine the impact of technology on their actions, their communities, and their world. They also make for great discussion starters! This includes: 

• A 10 slide Powerpoint presentation. Each slide contains a link to a video related to technology and a related writing prompt. 

• Student response sheets (3 per page).


Explore the role that technology plays in our lives with Ray Bradbury's short story, The Veldt. This includes:

• A 19 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

→ Genre

→ Discussion Questions for pre-reading

→ Short Interactive pre-reading activity

→ Post reading discussion questions

→ Prompts to complete assignments

→ Answers to review with students after they complete the reading questions

→ Analysis notes (foreshadowing, allusion, symbolism, imagery)

→ A link to a film adaptation of the short story (youtube required) 

• Analysis questions assignment with detailed answer key 

• A creative assignment where students fill out a missing persons report for George or Lydia (or David depending on the students' interpretation of the ending).

• A creative assignment where students attempt to sell George and Lydia's Happylife House.


Have your students explore and examine what role technology plays in their lives with this thought-provoking assignment. Students spend 24 hours without any entertainment or communicative technology. This means no phones, no social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc.), no television, no email, no radio, no music, no video games, no Internet, or anything other related form of technology. Students have one week to finish the assignment and can choose which 24 hours to complete the exercise. The assignment includes questions to complete before and after the 24 hours.

This assignment allows for lots of class discussion on the impact that technology plays on our lives and whether its effects are positive or negative. This will be an assignment your students will never forget!


Introduce students to one of William Wordsworth's most famous poems, The World Is Too Much With Us. This poem elicits lots of great discussion from students about the role that industrialization and technology plays in our world. Includes: 

• A 15 slide PowerPoint presentation that guides you though all aspects of the lesson. 

• Analysis questions assignment with detailed answer key 

• A poetry annotation checklist 

• A blank template of the poem for students to annotate (using the checklist)

• A detailed annotated teacher copy of the poem to review with your students.

• A journal response assignment that allows students to explore whether the message of this poem still rings true today. 


Engage in a discussion about what Simon Sinek believes are the four issues standing in the way of bringing millennials happiness and fulfillment in life and the workplace: parenting, technology, impatience, and environment.

Students will watch a short video clip (Youtube required) and work in groups to discuss 12 hot-topic statements made by Sinek. Then, they will choose which statement interests them the most and complete an individual reflective response assignment.


Bring non-fiction into your classroom with this reading response assignment for a modern and engaging article called "Selfie or Selfless? Stewardship for Millennials" (authors: Faisal Bermamet, Lucas Fass, Caitlin Kerr, Adeline Lim, Kyle Packnick, Morgan Rennekamp). The article inspires millennials to take care of themselves and others by developing a sense of individualism while also making a positive impact on the world outside of themself through stewardship. This article can spark lots of discussion on how to thrive and have an impact in the modern, fast-paced world. Please note that the article is not included in this purchase for copyright reasons, but a link to it is provided. Included: 

• A one page assignment that has students respond to 5 reading questions related to the article (link provided to the article on the assignment sheet). 

• A detailed teacher answer key that allows for easy marking or class review.


Explore the role that technology plays in our lives with Ray Bradbury's short story, The Pedestrian. Included:

• A 15 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: 

→ Discussion Questions for pre-reading

→ Biographical information about Ray Bradbury

→ Post reading discussion questions

→ Prompts to complete assignments

→ Answers to review with students after they complete the reading questions

→ A link to a film adaptation of the short story (youtube required) 

• Analysis questions assignment with detailed answer key

• Figurative language assignment where students label figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia) used in examples from the story. Detailed answer key included. 

• A creative assignment where students extend the story after Leonard is arrested.


Have your students explore and examine how technology has evolved and its effects with this fun interview assignment. Students interview someone born at least 30 years before them to ask them about technologies they used growing up that are now obsolete. The 5 questions revolve around the interviewee considering the differences in technology then and now and reflecting on how things have changed as well as on their own personal interaction with technology. 

Once students have completed the assignment, have them compile the information and present it to the rest of the class. This allows for lots of class discussion on the evolution of technology and its effect on an individual.


Introduce students to one of Emily Dickinson's poems, I Like To See It Lap The Miles. In the poem, Dickinson uses vivid imagery to describe a train passing through the valleys and hills. Use this poem to help your students study descriptive imagery as well as examine figurative language. This includes: 

• A 13 slide PowerPoint presentation that guides you though all aspects of the lesson. 

• Analysis questions assignment with detailed answer key

• A poetry annotation checklist

• A blank template of the poem for students to annotate (using the checklist) 

• A detailed annotated teacher copy of the poem to review with your students.

• A creative response activity with graphic organizer where students write their own poem in the style of Dickinson by describing a more modern technology or machine.


Use this technology inspired worksheet to help your students practice finding common figurative language. Your purchase includes a print-ready worksheet with 17 technology inspired phrases that include an example of metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, oxymoron, or onomatopoeia. Also included is a detailed answer key for you to mark or review the answers with your students!


Let’s be honest, grammar is not always the most exciting topic for middle and high school students. Throw in a twist, and you will be amazed at how much more engaged your students will be in finding errors! This assignment has students imagine that the school computers have been bugged. The cyber criminal has left grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors with each bug, and it is up to the students to find and correct them in order to save the school system.

The grammar concepts addressed in this assignment are spelling, commas, fragments, apostrophes, homophones, capitalization, misplaced modifiers, and subject-verb agreement.


Bring non-fiction into your classroom with this reading response assignment for a modern and engaging article called "Does Slacktivism work?" (author: Laura Seay). The article discusses the concept and value of "slacktivism" which are actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement (e.g., liking or sharing a social media posts, signing an online petition etc.). 

This article can spark lots of discussion on what it means to be an active supporter of a cause in the modern/digital world. Please note that the article is not included in this purchase for copyright reasons, but a link to it is provided. This includes: 

• A one page assignment that has students respond to 5 reading questions related to the article (link provided to the article on the assignment sheet).

• A detailed teacher answer key that allows for easy marking or class review.


Finish up the unit plan by having students write a 5 paragraph essay on one of the three included topics. The topics have them explore the readings/videos from the unit more in depth to explore the role of technology in their lives. Also included are two basic 5 paragraph essay outline templates for pre-writing. 


While technology can be used in many negative ways, it also offers so many opportunities for people to have a positive impact on their community and the world. This project allows students to use a form of modern technology to make a positive impact. Students develop their own project to fit their particular interests. They might consider creating a video, digital brochure, or social media campaign to bring awareness to a particular cause. They could also develop an online fundraiser or campaign to help someone or raise money for a cause. They could develop a webpage or blog devoted to teaching a skill or content that you know well. The possibilities are endless! 

The project requires students to submit a formal proposal, the project itself, and a reflection (details for what to include are provided in the student handout).


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