Comma, Ellipsis, & Dash Punctuation Lesson - Grammar Presentation & Assignments
Comma, Ellipsis, & Dash Punctuation Lesson - Grammar Presentation & Assignments: Empower your students to master comma, ellipsis, and dash punctuation rules with this comprehensive lesson. This resource provides everything you need to introduce and reinforce these essential grammar and punctuation concepts. The presentation guides students through the rules with clear explanations, engaging examples, and interactive practice exercises. Also included is a task card activity that offers a hands-on opportunity for students to apply their understanding of comma, ellipsis, and dash in a fun and interactive way.
Included in This Comma, Ellipsis, and Dash Lesson and Activities Resource:
➡️ Comma, Ellipsis, and Dash Presentation: Use this 43-slide PowerPoint presentation to introduce student to the rules for using commas, ellipses, and dashes in writing. With examples, practice exercises, and helpful tips, students gain a clear understanding of how to use these punctuation marks effectively in their own writing.
➡️ Comma, Ellipsis, and Dash Task Card Activity: This engaging task card activity complements the presentation by offering students hands-on practice with applying comma, ellipsis, and dash rules. The set includes 18 task cards, each presenting a unique scenario or sentence where students must identify and correctly use the appropriate punctuation mark on a student response sheet. The cards have different tasks:
- Determining if a sentence uses a comma, ellipsis, or dash correctly or incorrectly.
- Rewriting sentences and correcting comma, ellipsis, or dash errors.
- Choosing which sentence uses the comma, ellipsis, or dash correctly.
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