Back to School Activity - Cake Layers Get to Know You First Days Assignment

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Back to School Activity - Cake Layers Get to Know You First Days Assignment: Use this resource during the first days of school to get to know your students. The assignment tells students that just like a tiered cake, their personality is made up of many layers! Using the metaphor of a tiered cake, students will delve into various aspects of themselves, responding to engaging prompts that unveil different "layers" of their identity.

This is included in the following bundle:

Included In This Layers of My Life Back To School Activity:

➡️ The Layers Of My Life Assignment: In this fun back-to-school assignment, students will use the metaphor of a tiered cake to discuss the different layers of their personality. The tiered cake graphic organizer outline provides space for students to write the "layers" of their personalities. The Categories include: two words to describe me, favorite subject, my family, my goals, and hobbies and interests. Once completed, these would make a great display in your classroom or hallway!

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