Winter Figurative Language Digital Assignments - Literary Devices Activity

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Winter Figurative Language Digital Assignments is a fun and creative way to bring literary devices into your middle and high school English language arts classes leading up to the Christmas break. Students will find and label common figurative language in five winter-inspired digital stories. Each winter figurative language story includes examples of personification, metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, and alliteration!

There are no references to Christmas in these stories, so they make a great alternative assignment if your school does not allow Christmas resources to be used in the classroom.

This is a Google-compatible activity, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or for online education.

Included in the Winter Figurative Language Digital Assignments: 

➡️ 5 Winter Figurative Language Digital Assignments: Share each of these original winter-inspired digital stories that seamlessly integrate figurative language and literary devices! Students will digitally colour code examples of metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, oxymoron, and onomatopoeia. The stories are of high interest, so your students will be totally engaged! 

➡️ Detailed Teacher Answer Keys: Grade your student's work or review it as a class with these detailed teacher answer keys! Each of the answer keys includes the colour-coded examples of the figurative language used in each of the stories.

Prefer the print version? Find it here!

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