The Lottery by Shirley Jackson - Digital Short Story Slides and Assignments

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The Lottery by Shirley Jackson - Digital Short Story Slides and Assignments: Engage your middle and high school students with Shirley Jackson's compelling short story, The Lottery, using this comprehensive digital resource designed to engage your students. Included are Google Slides to guide the lesson, digital reading analysis questions to deepen understanding, a digital symbolism assignment to enhance critical thinking and a video comparison assignment for added context. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to explore a tradition in their own lives through one project and create a digital newspaper based on the short story with another. This ready-to-use resource provides teachers with everything necessary to immerse students in the thought-provoking themes and narrative of The Lottery.

This is a digital resource, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or online education. 

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Included in This The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Digital Short Story Resource:

➡️ The Lottery Google Slides Presentation: Use this Google Slides presentation to guide you through all elements of the lesson. Some information included in the presentation: 
  • Biographical information about Shirley Jackson
  • Background information on The Lottery
  • Pre and post-reading discussion
  • Overview of strange traditions
  • Answers to analysis questions
  • Literary devices notes (symbolism, setting, theme)
  • Video interpretation of the short story

➡️ The Lottery Reading Digital Analysis Questions: Help students examine the short story more deeply with this ready-to-use assignment that has them answer questions on foreshadowing, symbolism, tension, suspense, irony, and more! A detailed answer key is provided.

➡️ The Lottery Symbolism Digital Assignment: Allow your students to explore various symbols in this short story and explain their meaning. Students will consider the symbolic meaning behind names of characters (Mr. Summers, Mr. Graves, etc.) as well as the lottery box, stones, and pieces of paper. A detailed answer key is provided.

➡️ The Lottery Video Short Story Digital Comparison: After students watch the short film adaptation of The Lottery, have them compare the two by finding 5 differences between the video and short story version!

➡️ Exploring Traditions Digital Project: The Lottery focuses on strange traditions, so have your students explore traditions in their own family, community, or country with this digital multimedia project. Students will examine a tradition of their choice and do some research to discover its origins and significance. Then, they will decide if this is a tradition that you believe should be continued or not and justify their response. They will share their findings in blog, podcast, or presentation format.

➡️ The Lottery Final Newspaper Digital Project: Encourage your students' creativity with this digital creative project where they must imagine they are a journalist living in the town where the lottery takes place. They will publish a digital newspaper with a headline article, obituary, special interview, and a letter to the editor by integrating as much information from the text as possible. The project includes:
  • A digital informational slide with all the information students need about the project.
  • Pre-writing digital graphic organizers for each section.
  • Digital Templates to create a good copy of the newspaper.

Short Story Skills and Standards Addressed in This The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Digital Short Story Resource:

This digital short story lesson for
The Lottery allows students to use a variety of ELA and short story-specific skills and standards. Below you will find a list of some of the skills this resource addresses:

  • Examining short story literary devices like characterization, foreshadowing, symbolism, suspense, irony, and more.
  • Comparing a text in two mediums (video and short story format)
  • Providing text evidence to support a claim
  • Speaking and listening skills in group discussion

What Teachers Are Saying About This The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Short Story Resource:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For the past several years, I have had some trouble getting my students excited about reading "The Lottery." I found that this presentation helped them make some meaningful connections prior to reading and generated more excitement than usual.

This was so helpful for my class! It was a great way to get students interested in the story. I really liked the part where the slides mention "weird" traditions. The class had a good discussion and we named some local "weird" traditions we had. Also, the analysis of symbols was excellent! So in-depth!

I am always impressed with the quality of your products. They are engaging and both teacher and student-friendly. Thank you for continuing to provide resources that are exceptional.



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>>> Annotating Fiction Lesson and Student Guide

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