The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton Digital Short Story Unit & Activities

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The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton Digital Short Story Unit & Activities: Explore the captivating world of "The Lady, or the Tiger" by Frank R. Stockton with this comprehensive digital short story unit. Set in a kingdom where justice is decided through a unique trial by ordeal, this tale delves into themes of love, jealousy, and the complexities of human nature. As students explore the story's plot twists and moral dilemmas, they'll engage in thought-provoking discussions and analytical activities. Included is a detailed Google Slides presentation to guide the lesson, a classroom trial activity, a vocabulary activity, a nonfiction assignment on justice systems, analysis assignments, creative writing and more!

This is a Google-compatible activity, and students complete all the work on a device. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or for online education. Although it works especially well during the first week of school, this activity can be completed at any point in the school year.

Included In This Digital Short Story Unit for The Lady, or the Tiger by Frank R. Stockton:

➡️ The Lady, or The Tiger Google Slides: Teach this short story with his comprehensive 100-slide presentation. This resource guides you through the lesson, covering author biography, discussion points, analysis notes, and more. Also included is a 50-slide interactive lady or tiger door where students each get to choose a door (see more information below)!

➡️ Digital Classroom Trial Activity: Engage students with a thrilling classroom trial activity where they face "sentences" for various crimes like not completing homework or arriving late to class. Students must make tough decisions by choosing a door, followed by a reflective component to deepen understanding.

➡️ Digital Vocabulary Memory Game: Reinforce vocabulary from the story in an exciting way with a digital memory game or matching activity. Students work to reveal secret mystery words while expanding their vocabulary skills.

➡️ Justice Systems Paired Nonfiction Assignment: Explore different justice systems from around the world with a paired non-fiction assignment. Students analyze and compare various systems. An answer key is provided.

➡️ Venn Diagram Character Analysis: Encourage critical thinking with a digital Venn Diagram character analysis activity focusing on the king and the princess. Students examine similarities and differences. An answer key is provided.

➡️ Guided Analysis Activity: Support student analysis with a digital guided graphic organizer focusing on key story and literary elements. This resource aids students in analyzing the text effectively.

➡️ Creative Debate Activity: Foster lively debate and critical thinking skills with resources for defending whether the princess sends the courtier to the lady or the tiger. Planning and rebuttal graphic organizers are provided to scaffold student arguments.

➡️ Appealing to the Court Digital Assignment: Put students in the courtier's shoes with an appealing to the court assignment. Students take on the role of the courtier and craft compelling appeals against their sentence.

➡️ Epilogue Writing Assignment: Spark creativity with a final writing assignment where students imagine the characters' lives five years after the amphitheater dilemma. This resource includes pre-writing organizers, a showing vs. telling activity to enhance descriptive writing, and final copy sheets/slides.

➡️ Love Letter Writing Digital Assignment: Encourage empathy and creative expression with a love letter writing assignment. Students adopt the roles of the courtier or the princess and craft heartfelt letters, supported by pre-writing digital organizers and good copy slides.

What Teachers Are Saying About This Short Story Unit for The Lady, or the Tiger by Frank R. Stockton:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved how many activities there were to choose from. The background PowerPoint was very well done and each activity was not only visually appealing, but also user-friendly and fun! I selected a few activities for my class to complete, but I could also see this being effective for offering student choice.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students were really engaged with this resource. I highly recommend it to other educators!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great resource! My students enjoyed the short story and the debate! Thank you!

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