Holes Activity Bundle - Creative Novel Activities and Assignments Louis Sachar

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Holes Activity Bundle - Creative Novel Activities and Assignments includes 12 fun and engaging activities and assignments to help students respond to Holes by Louis Sachar. Help your students form connections and analyze the novel with these high-interest activities and assignments. The activities were created to allow students to form text connections, analyze characters, understand the plot, consider the historical context of the novel, and much more!

Included in the Holes Activity Bundle:

Chapters 1 - 5

➡️ Holes Character Analysis: Use this graphic organizer throughout your unit plan for Holes by Louis Sachar to record information about each of the characters. The novel includes many different characters, so this graphic organizer will help students keep track of what they learn about each to give them a deeper understanding of the novel. The resource also includes a detailed answer key for class review or easy marking.

➡️ Holes Palindromes Activity: The main character of Holes by Louis Sachar has a very unique name, Stanley Yelnats, which is a palindrome! A palindrome is a word that is read the same way forward as it is backward. This assignment will allow students to understand the meaning of palindromes and guess words that are palindromes based on clues provided.

Chapters 6 - 8

➡️ Holes Elya and Madame Zeroni Plot Diagram Assignment: Students will complete this ready-to-use template for students to write what happens in the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution of the Elya and Madame Zeroni plot line in Holes by Lois Lowry. This is a useful assignment for students to show their understanding of plot structure using a story arc template. Also included is a detailed answer key that outlines the key moments of the plot in each of the areas of the plot diagram.

Chapters 9 - 13

➡️ Holes Pig Latin Activity: During the novel, the reader learns that X-Ray's nickname is Pig Latin for his real name, Rex! Use this interesting text detail to teach your students how to speak, read, and understand the Pig Latin language in minutes with this fun activity. Not only does this resource engage your students, but it is also great for practicing their problem-solving and decoding skills.

Chapters 14 - 20

➡️ Camp Green Lake Brochure Assignment: In the novel, Stanley is being punished for a crime he didn't commit and is sent to Camp Green Lake. Students will take what they learn about the setting and create a promotional brochure for Camp Green Lake using what they have learned in the novel. This assignment allows students to consider different aspects of the camp life like the mission, who should attend, what the camp looks like, about the staff, and more!

Chapters 21 - 27 

➡️ Hole Historical Context Article & Assignment: In the novel, Sam and Kate fall in love and are subjected to cruel racism from the citizens of Greenlake. Help students understand the important historical context of this plotline by teaching them about the history of racism and discrimination in America and the Civil Rights Movement. Students will read a two-page article on this topic to help provide context for this plot line in Holes. They will also complete an assignment to show what they learned!

Chapters 28 - 32

➡️ Kissin' Kate Barlow Wanted Poster Assignment: In the novel, the reader learns a great deal about Kate Barlow. Kate loses her beloved, Sam, to cruel violence driven by racism. This act turns her into the infamous outlaw, Kissin' Kate Barlow. Have your students demonstrate their understanding of character by creating a Wanted poster for Kissin' Kate Barlow.

Chapters 33 - 39 

➡️ Holes Nonfiction Research Lizard Assignment: At Camp Green Lake, the most feared creature is the deadly yellow-spotted lizard that lurks inside the holes the boys are digging. While this type of lizard doesn't really exist, there are lots of other interesting lizards that your students can research! This creative nonfiction assignment allows students to research a lizard of their choice and share what they learn with the class.

Chapters 40 - 45

➡️ Holes Zero Stanley Venn Diagram Assignment: In the novel, Stanley and Zero are initially perceived to be complete opposites. As the plot develops, however, the reader begins to realize that they have far more in common than it first appears. After students have finished reading chapter 45, have them complete this Venn Diagram to compare these two important characters.

Chapters 46 - 50

➡️ Holes Camp Nicknames Activity: In the novel, the boys at Camp Green Lake have nicknames that relate to their personalities. Some examples include Caveman, X-Ray, Squid, Armpit, and Magnet. This has students apply this idea to their own life by giving themselves their own fitting nickname with a justification for why they made this specific choice. A poster is included to display your students' new nicknames underneath!

➡️ Holes Family Tree Assignment: In the novel, the reader learns a great deal about Stanley Yetnats’ family history. Students will make a text connection by creating their own family tree with the help of their parents or guardians.

➡️ Holes Final Projects: End your unit for Holes by Louis Sachar with these high-interest final project ideas! Students can choose to write poetry, create a novel soundtrack, write an extra chapter, design a comic strip, write diary entries, record a podcast, or film a scene from the novel. 

>>>This resource is included in my unit plan for the novel!

➡️ Holes Unit Plan

Take your Holes Unit Plan to the next level with an escape room!

 Holes Classroom Escape Room

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