Digital Literature Circles - Book Club Forms, Assignments, & Reading Activities

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Digital Literature Circles - Book Club Forms, Assignments, & Reading Activities: This ready-to-use resource will allow you to easily implement digital literature circles or book clubs in your classroom. In digital literature circles, students will gather together to discuss a common piece of literature in depth, with each student responsible for a different element of the meeting. Digital literature circles are an excellent way to give students more independence in their reading. With a detailed teacher guide, student informational slides, digital role assignments, meeting schedules, slides, and much more, this resource includes absolutely everything you need to implement them in your classroom successfully.

This is a digital resource, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or online education.

Included in This Digital Literature Circles and Book Clubs Resource:

➡️ Detailed Teacher Guide: Feel totally confident implementing literature circles or book clubs in your classroom with these detailed teacher instructions for how to successfully set them up in your classroom.

➡️ Group Digital Binder Cover: Create a digital binder for each group with this eye-catching digital binder cover!

➡️ Literature Circle Novel Choice Digital Cards: Allow students the chance to share their preferences for which novels they would like to read by allowing them to explore the book options and choose their top three choices. This will help you easily formulate the groups and consider student interests!

➡️ Literature Circle Introduction and FAQs Slide: Share this Literature Circle information slide with students, so they have quick answers to their most frequently asked questions.

➡️ Literature Circle Digital Reading and Meeting Schedule: Students will develop their own schedule with this ready-to-use digital form where they break their novel up into sections and create a digital reading schedule for themselves.

➡️ Digital Description of Student Roles: While students are completing their digital literature circles, they will be given one of the 5 important roles. This slide outlines the responsibilities of each role. The roles include the summarizer, discussion leader, text connector, vocabulary leader, and literary leader.

➡️ Literature Circle Digital Assignments for Each Role: Individual digital assignments are also included for each book club role, so students will know exactly what is expected of them to prepare before the meeting begins!

➡️ Literature Circle Peer Digital Peer Assessments: Students will assess their group members on their preparedness, so you know who is participating and who did not do the reading or the assignment. This is anonymous, so students won't feel frustrated if someone is not participating. It will allow you to deal with issues before they grow.

➡️ Student Participation Rubric and Recording Slide: While students complete their literature circle meeting, you can circulate and use the student participation rubric and recording slide to check in on discussion and participation.

➡️ Final Creative Digital Project Options: When students finish their novels, a project Slide is included, so students can choose between 9 creative digital project options to dive deeper into the novel.

What Teachers Are Saying About This Digital Literature Circles and Book Clubs Resource:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Just began using this packet a few days ago. I am very impressed with the amount of thought and detail put into it. I think it will work well in my middle school English classroom.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ These forms are so helpful. I really wanted to use literature circles, but was overwhelmed with all the forms I would need to create, etc. This has everything I need.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was my first foray into Lit circles. This resource made it VERY easy and my middle school kiddos LOVE the ease with which they can understand the different roles. Thanks!

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