Christmas Posters - Hashtag Holiday Quotes Bulletin Board - Response Assignment

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Christmas Posters - Hashtag Holiday Quotes Bulletin Board - Response Assignment: Bring the holidays into your classroom with this creative and interactive bulletin board display of Christmas posters. Create a "Holiday Hashtag of The Week or Day" board that includes holiday-inspired quotes. The hashtag (#) will tell your students who said the quote or an important word or idea from the quote. Students will then write what they think the quote means and reflect on why or why not the quote is relevant to them in their lives.

Included In The Hashtag Christmas Posters Resource:

➡️ Holiday Hashtag of the Week or Day Poster: Use either the weekly or daily poster above your display, depending on how often you want to share the quotes with students.

➡️ Holiday Hashtag Quote Posters: Share one of the 20 Winter or Christmas-inspired quotes with hashtags to point out who said the quote, or highlight key words in the quote. The quotes are meant to be inspirational of thought-provoking.

➡️ Holiday Hashtag Response Assignment: Print this response assignment for your students to use while you share the quotes. The assignment gives students space to reflect in writing on what the quote means, whether it is relevant to them, and why or why not.

Examples Of Quotes Included In The Christmas Posters:

→ The best things in life aren't things #ArtBuchwald #Love #Family #Friends
→ Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together. #VernaMHelly #Snowflakes #StickTogether
→ May no gift be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love. #LOBaird #Thoughtfulness #Love

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