Back to School Get to Know You Activity - 4 Corners Game for Middle and High
This back to school 4 corners game is the perfect middle and high school icebreaker for the beginning of the year! Students will be shown a series of slides with prompting questions, each with four possible answers and related images in the four corners of the slides. After taking a moment to reflect on the question, students will express their decision by going to the corresponding corner of the classroom, where they can discuss the reasoning behind their choice with the other like-minded students. This get to know you activity is a great way for students to learn more about each other and form connections at the start of the school year.
Included in this Back to School 4 Corners Game resource:
➡️ Back to School 4 Corners Game Slideshow: The resource includes a 25-slide PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation with engaging questions. Each slide offers 4 potential answers for students to choose from, with high-quality images corresponding to each one. It includes 25 interesting questions like:
- “The Internet disappears! What is the thing you’ll miss the most?”
- “If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, which would it be?”
- “You have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument overnight. Which one do you pick?”
- “You wake up one morning with a superpower. Which one do you choose?”
- “You are given the power to bring one extinct animal back to life. Which one would you resurrect?”
How to use this get to know you activity in your classroom:
Using the included PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation, you will start by showing students the first prompting question: “You’ve been hired to direct a movie. Which genre do you choose?” Four potential answers will appear with corresponding images in the 4 corners of the slide (1. Comedy, 2. Action, 3. Western, 4. Horror). Students will move to the corner of the classroom that corresponds to the answer they have chosen.
Have the students at each corner discuss why they made their choice. The conversations will naturally allow students to get to know each other in a fun and low-pressure way during the first week of school.
Looking for another back to school get to know you activity? Click below!
→ Back to School Collaborative Puzzle All About Me Activity
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