Number the Stars Posters - Hashtag Quote Bulletin Board for Lois Lowry's Novel
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Number The Stars Posters Hashtag Quote Bulletin Board Display - This ready-to-use classroom interactive bulletin board will brighten up your classroom while you read Number The Stars by Lois Lowry. This Number The Stars Hashtag of the Week/Day" poster display includes inspiring quotes from the novel with hashtags that share which character in the novel said the quote. The quotes are carefully selected to be thought-provoking and can be used as a discussion prompt!
Included in This Number The Stars Posters Bulletin Board Display:
➡️ Instructions and Display Elements: Create your Number The Stars bulletin board with these posting instructions that show you how to create your poster display (with a photo of it posted). Use one of the two header poster options (weekly or daily) that read "Number The Stars Hashtag of the Day/Week."
➡️ Number The Stars Hashtag Quote Posters: Swap out each of these 15 Number The Stars posters with quotes from the novel either daily or weekly! Students can interact with them by discussing them and considering how they apply to their lives.
➡️ Number The Stars Quote Poster Response Sheet: Use this response sheet for students to interact with the daily or weekly quote from Number The Stars! The assignment asks students to explain the quote and make a text-to-self connection.
Examples of Quotes Included:
→ The whole world was: too cold, too big. And too cruel. #Annemarie #NumberTheStars
→ The a place where the right thing is often hard, sometimes dangerous, and frequently unpopular. #LoisLowry #Introduction #NumberTheStars
→ That's all that brave means - not thinking about the dangers. #UncleHenrik #Annemarie #NumberTheStar
How To Use The Number The Stars Posters Bulletin Board Display:
Set up the Number The Stars poster display using the included instructions. The poster display will feature one quote from the novel. Students can complete the included reflection assignment based on that quote.
The next day or week (depending on how you want to use the resource), swap the poster out for another quote and have students complete another reflection or meet with a group to discuss. Repeat this process until students have interacted with all the quote posters.
Included in This Number The Stars Posters Bulletin Board Display:
➡️ Instructions and Display Elements: Create your Number The Stars bulletin board with these posting instructions that show you how to create your poster display (with a photo of it posted). Use one of the two header poster options (weekly or daily) that read "Number The Stars Hashtag of the Day/Week."
➡️ Number The Stars Hashtag Quote Posters: Swap out each of these 15 Number The Stars posters with quotes from the novel either daily or weekly! Students can interact with them by discussing them and considering how they apply to their lives.
➡️ Number The Stars Quote Poster Response Sheet: Use this response sheet for students to interact with the daily or weekly quote from Number The Stars! The assignment asks students to explain the quote and make a text-to-self connection.
Examples of Quotes Included:
→ The whole world was: too cold, too big. And too cruel. #Annemarie #NumberTheStars
→ The a place where the right thing is often hard, sometimes dangerous, and frequently unpopular. #LoisLowry #Introduction #NumberTheStars
→ That's all that brave means - not thinking about the dangers. #UncleHenrik #Annemarie #NumberTheStar
How To Use The Number The Stars Posters Bulletin Board Display:
Set up the Number The Stars poster display using the included instructions. The poster display will feature one quote from the novel. Students can complete the included reflection assignment based on that quote.
The next day or week (depending on how you want to use the resource), swap the poster out for another quote and have students complete another reflection or meet with a group to discuss. Repeat this process until students have interacted with all the quote posters.
What Teachers Are Saying About Number The Stars Posters:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Love these quotes that go with my students' now favorite book that they've read all year. Thank you!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Students were very creative with this. They loved coming up with a hashtag for each weekly reading.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Using this while my class reads the book, for some quality discussions and a reading break. Thanks for creating!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Love these quotes that go with my students' now favorite book that they've read all year. Thank you!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Students were very creative with this. They loved coming up with a hashtag for each weekly reading.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Using this while my class reads the book, for some quality discussions and a reading break. Thanks for creating!
>>>This resource is included in my unit plan for the novel! Click below:
>>>Pair this resource with assignments for any novel or short story! Click below: