Number the Stars Assignment - Nonfiction Research Jewish New Year Web Quest

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Number The Stars Assignment Non-Fiction Research Jewish New Year Web Quest - In chapter 6 of Lois Lowry's novel, Number The Stars, we learn that Ellen's family will soon be celebrating the Jewish New Year. The novel does not provide much detail about the celebrations, but the reader knows it is very important to the Rosens. After reading this chapter, you can have students do some independent online research to understand the customs and traditions of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) with this ready-to-use web quest.

Included In The Number The Stars Assignment:

➡️ Jewish New Year Non-Fiction Research Assignment Web Quest Outline: This outline asks students to visit three different websites (one is a video and YouTube is required). Students will define terms related to the Jewish New Year, answer questions related to their reading/viewing, and will even have the chance to put themselves in the Rosens' shoes by reflecting on their year and setting goals for the future, which is a New Year's custom.

➡️ Answer Key For Non-Fiction Research Assignment: This answer key makes it fast and easy for you to review and assess your students' work.

What Teachers Are Saying About This Number The Stars Assignment:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I have taught Number the Stars for years and always wanted a resource for my students to learn more about the Jewish holidays. Easy to use and engaging.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is a fun activity for Number the Stars. I used it as a fun extension activity when students finished early.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great supplement to our novel unit on Number the Stars!

>>>This resource is included in my unit plan for the novel!

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