Digital Download
The Digital Nonfiction Article of the Week is a full-year, 40-week informational text program for middle and high school English language arts teachers that includes high-interest articles, instruction slides, standards-based reading responses, videos, and creative assignments.
The digital resources are Google compatible and students can complete all work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google classroom, or online education. The print resources are in PDF format and are intended to be printed and distributed to students.
Included in your purchase:
- 40 teacher presentations in Google Slides format that guide you through each element of the lessons. The slides include pre-reading discussion questions, prompts for each of the activities, answer keys for review, and a related video link.
- 40 Original nonfiction articles on high-interest topics that students will love. They cover a wide variety of topics and address nearly all of the informational text standards.
- 40 digital reading response assignments that allow students to dig deeper into the text and meet informational text curriculum standards.
- Detailed teacher answer key for easy marking or class review.
- Links to related video and prompt for each lesson where students can make text-to-self connections.
- 40 digital creative assignments that allow students to explore important elements from the lesson and meet even more reading and writing standards.
How it works:
- Each week, introduce the lesson by using the included pre-lesson discussion questions that will activate students’ background knowledge of the topic of the article.
- Then, read the article with students or have them read it independently or in a small group. Mixing up the reading format is always a great strategy.
- After students have read the article, have them complete the digital reading response assignment to demonstrate their comprehension and analysis of the text.
- Show students the included related video and discuss how it connects with the article that they read.
- Assign the digital creative assignment that allows students to explore the topic further and meet more reading and writing standards.
Topics addressed in the resource:
- Citing text evidence
- finding the main idea
- vocabulary in context
- author's point of view
- author's purpose
- evaluating arguments
- comparing and contrasting
- inferring information
- figurative language
- author's tone
- text features
- examining bias
- sharing an opinion
- analyzing quotes
- surveying
- problem and solution
- cause and effect
- allusion
- evaluating grammar
- word choice
- examining analogies
- categorizing information
- oxymorons & puns
- non-fiction genres
- supporting details
- locating irony
- examining graphics
- writing questions
- the 5 Ws
- researching
- charts and graphs
- making predictions
- making connections
- critical thinking/judgements
- explaining idioms
- exploring text structure
- pros and cons
- summarizing
- examining writing style
- writing types (persuasive, narrative, descriptive, opinion, instructional)
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