Freak the Mighty Activity - Discussion Cards for Text Connections in the Novel

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Freak The Mighty Activity Discussion Cards - Help your students make text-to-self connections with the novel Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick with these fun discussion cards that can be used in pairs, small groups, or even as a whole-class discussion. The prompts will allow students to think about the novel and respond thoughtfully while making those connections. You can also use the cards as a writing prompt!

Included In This Freak The Mighty Activity:

➡️ Freak The Mighty Activity Discussion Prompts Teacher Instructions: These easy-to-follow instructions will guide you and make setting up the activity a breeze!

➡️ Freak The Mighty Discussion Prompt Cards: 24 Discussion cards that allow students to make text-to-self connections with the novel. 12 of the cards relate to content from chapters 1-10, while the other 12 relate to chapters 11-20. The questions are thought-provoking and if students are working in pairs or small groups, their answers can be used to promote a whole class discussion.

➡️ Freak The Mighty Writing Response Cards: Writing response cards that can be copied and distributed as differentiation for those students who may have more success using the prompts for writing rather than discussion. Equally, you could decide to make this a whole class writing activity instead of a discussion activity.

>>>This resource is included in my unit plan for the novel!

Take your unit for Freak the Mighty to the next level with an escape room!

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Clipart by Mike Rawls: Monster Wrangler Mike